Please note: The Africana Librarians Council's documentation is currently transitioning from the UPenn Libguide to another platform, likely Google Drive. Many thanks to Librarian Lauris Olson for managing the ALC documents at UPenn for so many years!
Documentation can still be found here temporarily: https://guides.library.upenn.edu/AfricanaLibrariansCouncil
Past ALC meeting agendas and minutes can still be viewed here
​ALC Core Documents
ALC on Facebook
alcasalist : ALC discussion list
(Stanford: reg. + p'word req.) -
aflibns-revendors : ALC discussion list for vendor issues (Stanford: reg. + p'word req.)
Current Meeting:
Past Meetings:
​ ALC Archival Documents
ALC Home Page (past versions)
Library of Congress. Superseded ca.2008 (Internet Archive, 11/4/2010)
UPenn website. Superceded 2020
Africana Libraries Newsletter
1999-2014. (Indiana University). Internet Archive version (9/14/2018)
1991-1999. (Michigan State University)