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DC Events

*** Please note that due to the Covid-19 Pandemic ***
the ALC Spring Meeting will be held online
plans at the Library of Congress have been postponed/cancelled
Stay tuned for more information

More details to come

After the close of our Spring Meeting on Friday, May 1, we hope that you can join the group for a visit to the National Museum of African American History and Culture Library at 2:00 PM. The Museum closes at 5:30 PM

On Saturday, May 2, African, Asian, Middle Eastern, Caribbean and South American embassies will open their doors to DC visitors and residents for the not-to-be-missed "Around the World Embassy Tour".

Lastly, the exhibit, "Caravans of Gold, Fragments in Time: Art, Culture, and Exchange Across Medieval Saharan Africa," will be on display at the National Museum of African Art as of April 11th, 2020. This is the last stop of the exhibit that opened on January 26th at the Block Museum at Northwestern University. (The Block Museum has created an extensive site about the exhibit at:  (Esmeralda encourages ALC attendees to visit this groundbreaking exhibit at the Smithsonian.)

The DC Go-Go Museum is scheduled to open in the neighborhood of the Anacostia Metro Station at the end of April.


A handy traveler's site:

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